Emotional self-regulation in parenting is about managing our emotions and responding to our children's emotional cues calmly and constructively. It involves being aware of our feelings, understanding their reasons, and using effective strategies to manage them rather than allowing them to control our behavior. It’s what allows us to change our unwanted reactions, like yelling at our kids.
Having the ability to self-regulate in parenting enables us to remain calm and present, even in challenging situations. When we can regulate our emotions, we can provide our children with a stable and supportive environment. This environment allows them to experience and express their full range of feelings, which promotes emotional well-being and helps them develop effective skills in turn.
It's essential for parents also to recognize that these skills take practice and patience and that we may only sometimes get it right. Still, we can continue to work towards improving our ability to regulate our emotions step by step.
As a parent, your ability to regulate your emotional state plays a crucial role in shaping your child's emotional development. Here are some ways that being able to do this as a parent can contribute to self-regulation in kids:
All of these elements set the foundation for your child to develop their emotional regulation skills. Your child can learn healthy ways to cope with difficult situations through modeling, emotional stability, effective communication, and positive reinforcement.
Actively engaging our highest, wisest adult skills in relationships with our kids means finding ways to regulate our nervous systems. This engagement happens more easily when we are in the state of what psychologist and neuroscientist Dr. Stephen Porges calls “social engagement,” or the “green zone,” translated by Dr. Mona Delahooke.
Social engagement is the brain-body state accessed when we feel safe connecting to our child and environment. Even if there are times of stress, tension, chaos, and tantrums galore, we have a felt sense that “we can handle this.”
The part of our nervous system responsible for our engagement in a safe, secure social system is our vagus nerve. It's a sophisticated pathway that carries signals from our brain stem into our heart, lungs, and intestines. The nerve balances and monitors some of our facial muscles. It also supports our ability to actively and deeply listen to another person.
Interestingly, our vagus nerve is strengthened through a consistently warm, attuned, and nurturing infancy and early childhood. We might have a low “vagal tone” or an underdeveloped vagus nerve if we lacked warmth, attunement, and compassion in infancy and childhood. Calming our heart rate, lowering our blood pressure, and softening our body toward connection with our kids may seem strenuous when it’s not innate in our neurobiology.
When our heart rate and breathing have space and the ability to slow down, we can “rest and digest,” allowing our blood pressure to drop. Our biology responds to a slow heart and low blood pressure as if there is no threat, we can relax, and we can be entirely present for connection because there is no danger.
Some strategies for emotional self-regulation in parenting include mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing or meditation, seeking social support from friends or family, taking breaks when needed, and practicing positive self-talk.
Building up and strengthening our vagus nerve or vagal tone is a biological responsibility for power-with parents who want to increase their self-regulating ability. You can think of this as a biological tuneup, allowing your nervous system to practice activating your vagus nerve during times of stress, internally or externally.
Here are ways to strengthen your neurobiological system, according to Stanley Rosenberg and his book,
Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve:
Other ideas we love:
Emotional regulation promotes healthy communication, which helps family members communicate effectively and respectfully, even when upset or frustrated. This healthy communication allows them to constructively express their thoughts and feelings, maintaining safety and connection.
Families who practice emotional self-regulation also have less conflict. Family members are less likely to become defensive, angry, or resentful in response to conflicts. Instead, they can approach disagreements calmly and constructively, working together to find acceptable solutions.
Family members' understanding and empathizing with each other's emotions strengthens emotional bonds. Parents and children who can express their feelings in healthy ways can better connect and support each other.
Emotional self-regulation is a keystone behavior that helps to create a positive, healthy, and supportive family environment where all members feel valued and respected.
Focusing on increasing our ability to self-regulate has ongoing profoundly positive effects on our relationships in our families and everywhere else. It is truly an incredible gift to give our children and ourselves.
Are you ready to revolutionize your parenting approach and unlock the secret to staying calm, even in the most challenging moments?
Don't miss this opportunity to join our FREE Sample Class: "The Science of Staying Calm: How Your Nervous System Holds the Key to Empowered Parenting." This powerful session, a highlight from Week 5 of our renowned
Parent Coach Certification Program, will transform your understanding of parenting dynamics. Discover how your nervous system impacts your parenting, learn practical self-regulation techniques, master the art of co-regulation with your children, and embrace the beauty of being perfectly imperfect. This isn't just another parenting class—it's a game-changer backed by evidence-based research. Take the first step towards becoming the parent you've always aspired to be. Click above to register for this FREE Sample Class and start your journey to empowered, calm, and confident parenting today!
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