Transform your family
with our powerful, evidence-based, curriculum
and proven results.
Be a part of the solution. Jai Parent Coaches are changing the world, one family at a time.
Earn a living changing families’ lives, with the
freedom that changes yours
Experience the
Based on hundreds of end-of-program surveys:
91% of Jai students rated their experience as 8 stars or above
99% would recommend the program to friends or family
And the
biggest transformations
students reported experiencing in their families were
"What is a Parent Coach?"
Parenting Coaches provide a safe and loving presence for parents to explore and develop their parenting leadership through compassion, curiosity, creating awareness, mindset shifts, and skill building.
"Should I Become a Parent Coach?"
Parent Coaching is right for you if you are empathetic, love to listen to people’s stories, and would love to launch your own business helping clients to raise confident, empowered kids who are self-disciplined, emotionally intelligent, and successful!
"Why The Jai Institute for Parenting?"
Jai's transformative program creates self-growth and shows you how to help others grow through coaching. We are a diverse and inclusive community of parents, educators, therapists, and other professionals passionate about helping heal the world.
"What is a Parent Coach?"
Parenting Coaches provide a safe and loving presence for parents to explore and develop their parenting leadership through compassion, curiosity, creating awareness, mindset shifts, and skill building.
"Should I Become a Parent Coach?"
Parent Coaching is right for you if you are empathetic, love to listen to people’s stories, and would love to launch your own business helping clients to raise confident, empowered kids who are self-disciplined, emotionally intelligent, and successful!
"Why The Jai Institute for Parenting?"
Jai's transformative program creates self-growth and shows you how to help others grow through coaching. We are a diverse and inclusive community of parents, educators, therapists, and other professionals passionate about helping heal the world.
Curious About Our Program?
FREE Program Module, Info Session, and Comprehensive Program Syllabus
"Going through this is allowing me to get whole. I feel very empowered at this point.”
Being able to go through this program and to be able to heal, now I can turn around and help someone else do the same. Because you can't help someone when you're not whole yourself. Going through this is allowing me to get whole. So I feel very empowered at this point.
— Rae Stampley
"This work is so life changing that I chose to leave my clinical practice to focus on REALLY making a difference in the lives of children."
As a pediatrician, I felt GUILTY all the time. Guilty my kids were in daycare, guilty I wasn’t finding my career as fulfilling as I thought it “should” be, guilty for yelling at my kids at the end of every day. That cycle changed the day I enrolled in the Parent Coach Certification Program.
— Dr. Tiffanie Noonan
The Modern Day Parent is confronted with endless advice & scripts about how to get it right.
Coaches get to help parents
integrate, explore, personalize their parenting so that they can lead from confidence and empowered relationships with their kids.
#1 Mental Health Crisis
The World Needs Healing
In 2024, the U.S. Surgeon General released an Advisory on the chronic stress of parents, highlighting the urgent need to better support families and communities, and according to the CDC, in the U.S. alone, 7.4% of children aged 3-17 years have a diagnosed behavior problem.
Here at Jai we believe that we can change the world one family at at a time. Our Parent Coaches are trained to equip parents with more support, courage, patience, and resilience to handle the challenges of parenting in the modern day.
Read more about our response here.
Parents Want Support
Parent coaching is one of the fastest growing niches in the personal development industry (The U.S. Life Coaching market size was valued at ~1.5 billion in 2022.)
So many parents know they want to parent differently than they were parented, they simply don’t know how. Parent coaches have the tools and ability to guide parents toward a new model of peaceful and empowered parenting.
Empowered Parents Raise Empowered Adults
We get to show parents how to love their parenting journey, have more peace and connection in their homes, and have way more FUN with their kids (yes, even when they are teenagers or two-year olds).
Imagine a world where children aren’t raised feeling unworthy, “less than,” and ashamed. When they have developed intrinsic motivation, and have instilled family values, they no longer make decisions based from fear, people pleasing or limiting beliefs.
These future grownups will be the problem-solving leaders our world needs.
"The training was super healing for me"
The training was super healing for me, and gave me a lot of energy as a coach to be able to give that to my clients – because I had that experience of it being such a game changer for me.
— Niurka Maldanado
Jai's Transformational
Parent Coach Certification
Phase One | Weeks 1-12
Grow as a Parent
Transform your family by learning and applying our methodology rooted in Non-Violent Communication, Emotional Intelligence, and Brain Science.
In Phase 1, you’ll be coached in a small group cohort through our 12-week curriculum which includes:
Phase Two | Weeks 13-24
Grow as a Coach
Gain and practice the skills, techniques and confidence to coach others, whether in your own family, or with the families you serve as a Certified Parenting Coach.
Gain the Professional Coaching Skills that Allow You To Change Lives!
In Phase 2, you’ll step into your role as a Coach by discovering powerful coaching frameworks:
Grow as a Leader
Launch your own Parent Coaching business, or amplify your current profession, using our proven strategies. You'll get templates, scripts, coaching, and so much more!
In Phase 3, you’ll learn our “fastest path to clients” strategies that are proven to work so that you can earn money as a Parenting Coach:
The Jai Curriculum
Jai's curriculum is based in scientific evidence from leading institutions and researchers:
Attachment science studies attachment styles and their impact on how we move through the world in relationships.
Creating a secure environment for children is about laying a foundation for them to feel safe in their relationships with themselves and others. By cultivating a secure attachment, we can give our children a foundation of safety and security to grow and develop into happy and healthy individuals.
Dr. Tina Payne Bryson and Dr. Daniel Siegel, leading experts in attachment science, have called us all forward to make secure attachment the goal for peaceful parents.
Attachment science shows us that when parents consistently respond to their child's needs, it helps them develop a sense of security and trust. Children with secure attachments will likely have better emotional regulation, self-esteem, and social skills.
Attachment is formed through interactions with caregivers. Attachment formation is not just about physical needs like food and shelter but also emotional needs like comfort and attention. Consistent and sensitive responses from a caregiver help children to feel secure, and this sense of security forms the foundation of attachment.
An attachment disruption, such as a parent being absent, violent, or unresponsive, can negatively affect the child's development. However, attachment can be repaired through positive interactions and consistent responses from a caregiver. This example highlights the importance of an ongoing commitment to continue working on how we can be responsive and attentive to our child's emotional needs throughout their lives.
Creating secure attachments for our children is the goal. To do that, we have to create it within ourselves first. Most of us are harder on ourselves and more judgmental of ourselves than anyone else in the world.
The Jai Curriculum leans on the work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg and Non-Violent Communication. His book on non-violent communication is part of our curriculum because communication is the root of the health of all human relationships. When we can clearly communicate, in what Dr. Rosenberg calls the language of feelings and needs, with the people we love, we model how to communicate their feelings and needs in a nonviolent framework. From this place, relationships can truly flourish.
As defined by Rosenberg, violence harms the physical, emotional, or relational experience of another human being. This definition is life-changing. Our mission here at Jai is to allow children a nonviolent childhood experience.
This pillar centers around:
At Jai, we refer to this approach as empowered communication. We teach a 10-part communication framework that our parent coaches teach their clients, so they can talk to their children in a way that their children can hear and listen to their children and in a way that lets them know they are heard.
Understanding how our nervous system reacts to external stimuli and how we can self-regulate and remain calm, even in stressful situations, is a foundational element in peaceful parenting. By learning to regulate our nervous system, we can provide co-regulation for our children, who cannot yet control their nervous systems.
Let’s say a stimulus comes in (imagine a two-year-old having a tantrum), which brings up a lot of escalation in our nervous system. We might start to feel tightness in our chests or heat in our faces. Maybe we will begin to sweat a little bit. Our fight, flight, or freeze response gets activated. We will do anything to stay safe when our nervous system is in a heightened state.
In a situation like this, our body acts as if without conscious thought, without being aware of it, as if we are in danger. And when we're in danger, we react. If there were a tiger in the room, this would be a very good thing. But for most parents, there is not actually a tiger in the room. There's a two-year-old having a tantrum.
Our brain is slower than our nervous system. Our nervous system reacts in less than a nanosecond. The stimulus comes in, and the nervous system assesses, “Is this dangerous?” If it perceives danger, we react. The brain kicks in and always creates a narrative supporting the reaction.
This one awareness alone will change your life: stimulus, reaction, justification.
Finding ways to get grounded in our bodies in these moments is a great place to start changing our behavior patterns. At the Jai Institute, we use an ANCHOR framework to guide us through moments where we need emotional self-regulation to show up for ourselves and our children when our nervous systems are triggered.
Anchor stands for:
“Mindsight” is a term unearthed by Daniel Siegel describing one’s ability to “see inside their own mind, and the mind of another, with curiosity, openness, acceptance, and love.” It is a parent’s ability to know their child so intimately that rather than seeing their behavior, they become curious and connected to their underlying need.
All behavior is an expression of a need and whether that need has been met or unmet.
Mindsight is our willingness to see beneath the behavior and truly get curious about what is happening within our child’s thoughts and perceptions that are creating the behavior.
When our children feel SEEN by us and understood without judgment or fear, their brains grow. Feeling seen is a prerequisite for feeling safe. We develop, integrate, grow, and thrive when we feel safe.
Without mindsight, an interaction might sound like this: “Hey! What’s wrong with you? Why would you do that?!”
In the same situation, while applying mindsight tools, one may sound like this: “Hey, love – I saw you grab your sister’s work out of her hands. Help me understand what's going on for you. I’m curious about what you were thinking and trying to do.”
Mindsight allows us to partner with our children before they have the language of feelings and needs to co-create solutions so that all needs in the family can be met.
Our brains and children's brains have something called mirror neurons. Mirror neurons are brilliant, almost psychic. They pick up information from countless different sources and distill it through a lens of perceptions, beliefs, experiences, fears, and expectations to create a narrative.
As parents become mindsight experts, we can allow our children the gift of having a clearer and clearer lens.
So how do you begin to cultivate mindsight?
1. The first strategy to having mindsight is to open up to the possibility that your child’s experience of what’s happening differs from yours.
2. Mindsight isn’t about assumptions; it’s about curiosity. It’s learning to ask your child, in age-appropriate ways, what is happening for them in their bodies and minds.
3. We teach something at Jai called asking an ‘empathy guess.’ This guess can sound like, ‘I’m wondering if what you’re feeling is angry?’ Then the other person may say, ‘Yes, that’s it,’ or they may clarify.
Using our understanding of the brain, we can learn, model, and cultivate compassion and empathy. By doing this, we’re helping our children learn that sharing their innermost truths is safe.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to experience the entire spectrum of human emotions, understand their nuance, and feel and express them without causing harm to ourselves or others. For example, to know the difference between rage and frustration versus saying, “I'm angry.”
Emotional intelligence is a more significant indicator of life fulfillment than IQ. As parents, we can model emotional intelligence to our children by understanding our emotions and helping them regulate theirs.
How do children learn how to feel their emotions?
How do they learn how to be angry?
How do they learn how to be sad?
How do they learn to grieve?
How do they learn to handle disappointment, rejection, or failure?
From the way that we as parents model it.
Teaching emotional intelligence to children can help them develop skills to manage their emotions, build positive relationships, and navigate social situations effectively throughout their lives.
Some strategies we can use to teach EQ to our children can include:
The best way for us to teach is to learn first and then support our children. An interaction focusing on helping children develop their EQ might sound like, ‘Oh, I can see anger in your body. What does that feel like? Do you think you're more frustrated, or are you more sad?’ In age-appropriate ways, we can start to communicate in this language.
Weekly LIVE Coaching & Training
Phase 1 & 2 with a
Jai Trainer
Phase 3 with a
Business Mentor
Experiential Learning & Practicum
Practice Peer-Coaching Calls
Practice Client Sessions
Lifetime Access to Curriculum
Jai's Certification Curriculum
Transformational Parenting Process
Program Tuition: $4,750
Our tuition is $4,750 when you choose our payment plan or as low as $3,750 when you pay in full!
Learn about TUITION SPECIALS fill out the application and attend a FREE Program Demo:
We Stand Behind our Certification Program
Explore This Financially & Emotionally Rewarding Career Risk Free!
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, within the first thirty days of commencement of your Program, we will fully refund the cost of your Transformational Parenting Coach Certification. Please notify us within the guarantee period by emailing support@jaiinstituteforparenting.com if you have any concerns or to request a refund.
Steps to Enroll in Jai's Parent Coach Certification
Step #1
Submit an Application
This short application will help you to get clear on your goals as a parent, and for your potential new career as a parenting coach.
It will take less than 5 minutes to complete.
Step #2
Schedule a Call with our Admissions Team
When you submit your application, you’ll be taken to our scheduling system where you can select a time that works for you.
The purpose of scheduling a call with our Admissions Team is for you to get all of your personal questions answered, and for us to ensure that you’re a great fit for our program. Your admissions advisor will share all current tuition incentives and payment plans.
Step #3
Find an Cohort Day/Time that Works For You
Your Admissions Advisor will help you find the cohort day/time that best fits your busy schedule. Most of our students are parents, have full-time careers, homeschool children, and/or lead busy lives! We’ll support you to choose a cohort that you can successfully participate in and complete your certification.
Step #4
Let the Learning, Growth and Transformation Begin!
Once you are registered, you will follow our Program Onboarding process so you can prepare yourself for the experience. You will receive access to online modules so you can get ready for your cohort to begin! Our learning experience is interactive and community-based. We will support you every step of the way.
Ready to Take the First Step?
Apply today to connect with our Admissions Team so you can get all of your questions answered and see if Jai Institute is the right training program for you.
"You see the transformation with your kids in your own home and then, you can definitely see it in others."
There are really no words to describe the connection that you really start to have with your children when you get the tools through coaching. You get deeper into that work when you become a parenting coach. The market is there. You see the transformation with your kids in your own home and then, you can definitely see it in others.
— Danielle Backers
"The largest impact I have experienced through this program is the shift in the relationship with my children."
The feeling of connection and working together as compared to me “dictating” over them is so much more natural and eliminates tension on many levels. . . [and] has opened space for more fun, laughter and play... The joy and richness I have experienced as a parent is beyond words; and just as I think it cannot get better, I notice ways in which it does. This has a ripple effect.
— Jennifer Winzeler
Frequently Asked Questions
Important Program Logistics
Enrollment Questions
Passionate Parents
You are committed to parenting differently than the way you were parented and want a ‘masters level’ education in Peaceful Parenting. You understand that coaching skills provide a new path for parenting without strategies that harm parent/child relationships.
Aspiring Coaches
You see how vital the parent/child relationship is to the physical, mental and relational health of children and want to be able to provide an effective service to make kids’ lives better by supporting their parents.
Child/Family Professionals
In your work with families and/or children as an educator, therapist, physician, or practitioner you see the desperate need for parental education, support and coaching.
Aspiring Purpose-Driven Business Owners
You want to contribute to your family’s finances without compromising flexibility and freedom, while doing work that gives you a sense of purpose and impact by making a real difference in families’ lives.
We do not offer scholarships at this time. We are already the most affordable, comprehensive, research-based Parent Coaching Certification program in the industry and are committed to remaining so.
However, we do offer generous fast-action discounts, pay-in-full tuition incentives and long-term payment plans, bringing the price you pay to as low as $3,750.
For specifics, fill out our application and your admissions advisor will work with you to choose and access the most affordable tuition plan!
Our tuition is $4,750 for the seven-month certification program when you choose our long-term payment plan, however you can save an additional $1,000 when you pay in full, bringing your tuition down to $3,750!
For specifics, fill out our application and your admissions advisor will work with you to choose and access the most affordable tuition plan.
There are NO additional licensing/membership fees! Your tuition gives you a lifetime membership to our learning platform and Community Space, and includes full licensing agreements to use our curriculum, frameworks and tools!
Jai offers advanced coach trainings, ongoing programs, and marketing packages to support our graduates, however none of these are required for you to spread your wings and fly as a Jai Certified Parenting Coach.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, within the first thirty days of commencement of your Program, we will fully refund the cost of your Transformational Parenting Coach Certification. Please notify us within the guarantee period by emailing support@jaiinstituteforparenting.com if you have any concerns or to request a refund.
The Business Opportunity
Our students typically come into our program with four general categories of intention for their coach training. This is a very personal and unique choice and there’s no “right path” for our coaches. We want you to use this powerful training in the way that works best for your family, time capacity and income needs and goals!
The Four Categories:
1) To impact their own parenting confidence and fulfillment
Some of our students simply want these skills for their own families. There is no greater immersion into making the shift from the dominant model of parenting to the new, connected, peaceful and empowered model of parenting, than gaining the skills of a parenting coach.
To read about a family that had this intention, read about Dr. Nic Lucas and his wife Rhoda here!
2) To create income working part-time while raising kids
Many of our students' primary focus IS parenting their own children. The opportunity to become a Jai Certified Parenting coach gives them a way to make extra money on the side, while being able to pick up their kids from school every day, homeschool, or tend to small children who are still home full-time. For these parents, working with a couple of clients at a time and earning an extra couple of thousand dollars per month for their family is enough!
Meet a coach who is using her certification as a “side gig...” Read Niurka Maldonado’s story here!
3) To earn a full-time income replacing employment with purpose-driven work
Other students come into our training with the intention of doing this work full-time and earning a full-time living doing it! A full practice would likely be made up of 10-12 personal clients at a time, with a group program or two to allow families more flexible payment options to access this life-changing work!
Building a full practice takes time and commitment, but here at Jai, we give you the training, support and community to allow you to reach your business goals!
To read about a coach who made the transition from full-time employment to full-time coaching, read Dr. Tiffanie Noonan (yes, she’s a pediatrician!) here.
4) To become a thought leader
Some of our coaches have bigger entrepreneurial goals… meaning they want to build a leveraged business that generates revenue beyond getting paid to work with clients. These coaches are writing books, creating their own digital courses and programs and cultivating and nurturing large social media followings. Seeing the core work of Jai being transformed, applied in new ways, or to specific niches – i.e. kids with ADD, divorced families, BIPOC families, military families, etc – fills us with pride and joy!
To read about one of our “empire builders” meet Lisa Smith, founder of The Peaceful Parent here.
The income opportunity is really up to you! There are so many variables that influence your earning potential as a parenting coach… comfort with sales and marketing, time capacity, personal goals and commitment to those goals. Our business training teaches you to set a goal for your first year in business, and to create the marketing plan that will get you to your goal!
Phase 3 of the program, Launching Your Business, gives you the foundations of setting up and launching your parent coaching business. You’ll discover the simplest and most affordable ways to get your business off of the ground and start enrolling clients. In fact, you’ll be highly encouraged to enroll paying clients while you are still with us in this final month of your parent coach certification program.
Phase 3 encompasses the last 4 weeks of the program (or see the full course syllabus here):
Yes! The beauty of this community is watching the work evolve, shape shift and be applied to different niches, combine with other modalities and serve diverse populations.
Methodology & Qualifications
Our methodology is parent-centric, meaning that we focus on skills building, coaching and behavior-change strategies for adults.
These are grounded in evidence-based frameworks of non-violent communication (NVC), emotional intelligence, attachment science, nervous system regulation and values-led leadership.
Our coaching frameworks include generational pattern coaching, somatic coaching, emotional regulation coaching, and more.
These are applied to our 5-D Coaching Model, that allows parents to successfully break through their limiting beliefs, assumptions and conditioned reactive behavior.
These strategies allow parents to successfully shift out of the dominant (power over) or permissive (power under) paradigms of parenting, which creates disconnection, resentment and rebellion—to the relational, empowered paradigm of parenting which restores connection, trust and mutual respect.
Coaching and therapy are two very different professions. Therapy is a healing profession, focused on the past and meant to support mental health challenges. Coaching looks to the future, supporting people to create intention and vision, and then follow through with action and commitment.
We are a coaching organization. When there is unresolved childhood trauma, or mental health needs in the clients we serve, we refer out to licensed mental health professionals.
For more on this topic, watch this video from our CEO and Founder, Kiva Schuler.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are some of our core values. We strive to make our programs welcoming to people of all cultural backgrounds, races, ages, gender identities, religions and physical abilities.
Part of our mission is to grow a community of parenting coaches who hold the values of Equity, Justice, Inclusion, Diversity and Integrity in their client work, in their businesses, and in their lives.
We support our team members with education and information relating to issues of social justice and equity, and provide support and required supplemental training on issues of equality and equity to our students and graduates. We also explore all areas of coaching skills through the lens of Equity. We do so in order to support our coaches to be aware of issues of white supremacy, patriarchy, internalized oppression and social justice, so that they can be stewards of justice in their practices and in the world.
We continue to learn and grow in this area, and are committed to doing better and better when it comes to supporting and nourishing all individuals.
When you graduate from the Jai Institute for Parenting you are being certified by Jai to use our materials and coach using our proprietary methodology.
The accrediting body for life coaches is the International Coach Federation, or ICF. We are NOT an ICF accredited coach training program as we do not qualify because of our specialization in parent coaching, vs. comprehensive life coaching.
We could pursue accreditation as a specialty program, however, this would only be useful to already certified ICF life coaches. Because this would make our program more expensive (most ICF certified programs are in the range of $8,000-12,000 for tuition) we are not pursuing this at this time.
Have More Questions?
Dive deeper into Jai's Philosophy, or the specifics of how to launch your own parent coaching business:
"Within months, I have seen a significant shift in my relationships with my whole family"
With 20+ years of experience as an educator & 10+ years as a Mom (of three), I was often finding myself in a "shame & guilt spiral!" I couldn't believe how HARD parenting was - I was supposed to be "the expert" in Child Development! Within weeks of starting with the Jai Institute, I started unpacking generational patterns, digging deeper into brain science and attachment theory, reflecting, processing, goal-setting... Within months, I have seen a significant shift in my relationships with my whole family (children and parenting partner) - we went from "surviving to thriving!" I am so grateful to be on this journey with the Jai community!
— Reena Vohra Morgan,
Hive Educational Consulting & Parent Coaching
Parent Coaching Resources
The Ultimate Guide to Parent Coaching
Discover Why Professional
Are Becoming Parenting Coaches
We asked some of our graduates, from childhood educators to pediatricians to therapists, to share what inspired them to take the leap to become parenting coaches, and the profound personal and professional transformation they've undergone through Jai's Parent Coach Certification Program.
Explore their stories here...
Becoming Parent Coaches
Becoming Parent Coaches
Becoming Parent Coaches
Videos on Parent Coaching
Articles on Parent Coaching
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The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.