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Become a Parenting Coach: A Career Path of Purpose & Passion

Jai Institute for Parenting • December 5, 2023
Become a Parenting Coach: A Career Path of Purpose & Passion

You may be exploring the idea of becoming a peaceful parenting coach because you are a parent who wants to have the flexibility of owning a business while raising your children. You may be looking for more passion and purpose in your work, or perhaps you are interested in re-entering the workforce after being home with kids, or you are looking to add this specialty to an existing business or career.


Parent coaching is quite simply the dream job for people who are passionate about children. Especially if you can see the obvious – when parents become: 

  • Less reactive
  • More emotionally mature
  • Better communicators
  • Effective role-models and teachers

Children reap the benefits and outcomes, improving: 

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Self-worth and esteem
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Personal motivation and values-led decision making
  • Healthy relationships with others

Parent coaching is the future of parenting,” shared Kiva Schuler, CEO of the Jai Institute for Parenting. “In the future, parenting coaches will be as common as having a therapist or a pediatrician. A parenting coach can help parents focus on the long-term relationship and social/emotional development of their children.

“Until recently, parenting has been focused on controlling children’s behavior, which has significant negative implications for kids. This means parents need to do the work of learning the skills they weren’t usually taught by their parents.

“You can't just read a book about that. Learning to respond, act and communicate differently requires coaching.

More and more parents are realizing that if parenting is their most important job, then they need education, new relational tools and respectful parenting strategies. 

Change in parenting requires coaching because information alone is not enough to change conditioned behavior. 

This article will share everything you need to know about becoming a thriving parenting coach! You’ll discover: 

Parent coaches are trained professionals who provide skills, information, support, and accountability to parents interested in creating a different relationship with their children. The market for this growing profession is endless. There is no shortage of families who need support.

The work itself is fulfilling, flexible, and has limitless potential in how you bring it to the world. Whether you choose to do one-on-one coaching, offer groups, create online courses, or to integrate parent coaching into your existing business, you can build the career you want while having the freedom that comes from setting your own schedule and rates.

Whether you’re a parent who wants to break patterns that are causing disconnection in your family, or you’re simply passionate about kids and want to guide others to follow a more empathetic, peaceful, and communicative approach to parenting, becoming certified as a parenting coach could be just the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

How to Become a Parenting Coach

There is no requirement to have any specific educational or professional background to become a successful parenting coach

If you are passionate about parenting and children, you can pursue parent coaching certification. Many of our students have a strong interest or background in childhood development, psychology, education, pediatrics, or supporting children.

Most (though not all) are parents themselves. Some are stay-at-home parents, others are professionals serving children or families, and some currently work in an unrelated field.

Our master trainers guide our students through our research-based peaceful parenting curriculum, providing you with a process of transformation for your own family first, then teaching you how to guide your clients towards more cooperation and harmony in their own homes. Post-graduation, we consistently hear tremendous stories of transformation from our parent coach graduates!

Your training journey as a parenting coach culminates with one month of business mentoring on how to start a successful parent coaching business. The sky's the limit as to what kind of business you can build to bring this work to the world in your own unique way.

What is the Average Parenting Coach's Salary?

Becoming a parenting coach is incredibly financially rewarding. Finding clients is simple when you follow the steps we outline for you in our program. You’ll find them at schools, community centers, camps, daycare, preschools, playgrounds, and supermarkets. Parents are struggling, eager, and even desperate for help everywhere you go.

Jai parent coaches are practicing all over the world. In their businesses, they deliver everything from our 12-week ready-to-go program as soon as they graduate, from one-on-one coaching packages, to group offerings, to their own courses, membership sites, and corporate offerings. The opportunities to take this work out into the world are only limited to your imagination!

At the high end, our coaches charge up to USD 3500 for our 12-week transformational parenting program. We also have coaches in different markets offering it for a lower price that fits the economy and their ideal clients. The majority of our graduates charge between USD 1200-2500 for our 12-week coaching program (generally a weekly one-hour session). Choosing to run an online parent coaching business will allow you to be flexible in your rates, and increase them over time as your confidence and reputation grow. 

Whether you want to earn some income on the side, have a full-time practice, or grow a parenting business, you CAN do it as a parenting coach. Read more about the opportunities for your parent coach salary here.

At Jai, we know that when parents do the work of personal growth and become better communicators, understand their values, and can model emotional intelligence, their relationship with their children improves. 

Children learn these skills as a result of this modeling and are better equipped to navigate the journey to adulthood with their self-esteem and natural inner confidence intact.

What Are the Steps to Becoming a Parenting Coach?

If you’re ready to make a difference and become a Certified Parenting Coach by learning the Jai Parent Coaching Model, here are the steps you need to take to guide your success:

1. Assess Your Life Priorities. If children are your most important priority, and you understand the best way to help them is through their parents, consider how becoming a parenting coach will impact your life. Not only does this give you the opportunity to grow as an individual and create transformation in your own family, it also gives you a chance to have a flexible schedule, earn a living and do highly fulfilling work. 

2. Apply for Jai’s Parent Coach Certification Program. Our seven-month program consists of online learning modules and live web-based group meetings with our Master trainers to learn the Jai Transformational Parenting Model. The application process is simple. Just apply here to start your journey in parent coaching

3. Earn Your Certification. Once you complete the program, you’ll have the parent coaching knowledge to support clients and run a successful business. Earning a certification makes you a credible resource to potential parents in search of a parent coach.

4. Launch Your Business. During the final four weeks of the program, we’ll cover the foundation of launching a successful parent coaching business so you can develop a plan, learn how to have empowered sales conversations, and earn a great living as a parenting coach

5. Continue Your Education! At the Jai Institute for Parenting, we have a thriving global community of parent coach graduates! Your certification includes free lifetime access to our private online forum for ongoing connection and support. We host paid virtual conferences that graduates can attend for additional support, updates, and advanced training. We also offer two postgraduate programs that give you the ongoing expert support you need to be a master parent coach, grow your business, and allow you to remain in a community of dedicated and motivated parent coaches who are growing their coaching skills and businesses right alongside you!


Who Needs Parent Coaching?


The perfect potential client for working with a parenting coach is someone who simply wants to improve their relationship with their children. 

This client is likely someone who knows they want to parent differently. They just don’t know how! By discovering empathy, compassion, connection, and communication, they’ll learn how to guide their kids to grow into loving, nurturing, and understanding adults who become great parents themselves down the line. 

“In Western culture, by and large, people still buy into the idea that good parenting is all about having well-behaved children and that being a good parent means that you've taught your kids how to comply and follow the rules,” said Kiva.

“At the Jai Institute for Parenting, we reject that wholeheartedly and believe that it's the parent’s role to model the values, morals, communication, and  emotional intelligence they want their child to evolve into.

Examples of those who can benefit from parent coaching include parents who: 

  • Experienced generational patterns of family trauma, conflict, disruption, or separation.
  • Don’t want to repeat the way they were parented and worry about following in their parent’s footsteps.
  • Are committed to parenting without punishments, threats, yelling, or consequences while still effectively teaching kids to make good decisions and take positive actions in their lives. 
  • Are feeling a gap between the way they want to parent and the day-to-day reality of their parenting experience.


But What If I’m Not The Perfect Parent?


Maybe you’re wondering whether you are really a good fit to be a parenting coach. You might secretly think, “I’m certainly not a perfect parent. How would I even know where to begin in helping others?”

These kinds of self-doubts are entirely natural. Many (if not all) of the coaches here at the Jai Institute for Parenting have had them at some time or another. So, deep breath. There is no expectation that you are the mythical ‘perfect parent.’

In fact, let us reassure you a little more about this because the truth might surprise you. While it might seem contradictory at first, your struggles as a parent are actually your biggest strengths as a parenting coach.

Struggles are our teachers in life. When we struggle, we seek an effective solution and come up with our own ideas about how to solve a problem. When we struggle, we learn and transform. Struggling also creates compassion and humility, two foundational strengths of an effective and successful parenting coach.

In other words, you will become a successful parenting coach because of (not despite!) the challenges you have had in your own parenting life.

Your hesitation also indicates conscientiousness and self-awareness, which  are key to working through your parenting challenges and helping others work through theirs as a parenting coach.

The decision to become a parenting coach does not require you to be exactly where you’d like to be in your parenting journey. The only requirement is your willingness to embark on your own growth journey, which is exactly what you do in phase one of our parent coach certification program.


Is Being a Parenting Coach Right For You?


Our guess is if you’re reading this article, there’s a fair chance you are either tired of or frustrated with your current situation. Maybe you feel, like millions of others, that your work drains you more than it nourishes you. Perhaps you see that the most effective way to help children is to help their parents.

If any of this describes you, it might be time for a change.

But how do you know that becoming a peaceful parenting coach is really the right path for you?

What we have seen is that good parenting coaches come from all walks of life – from professionals, educators, and therapists to stay-at-home parents and grandparents – but they all share these five ingredients essential to becoming a parenting coach:

1. Passion. Do you have a passion for parenting and children?

2. Curiosity. Are you constantly curious about your child(ren) and how to best work with them?

3. Compassion. Do you genuinely like people and love encouraging others?

4. Good listening abilities. Are you a good listener? Are you happy to hear about other people’s challenges and feel comfortable giving them space to express their worries?

5. Self-motivation. Do you love to grab a goal and go for it? Are you keen to have a career that nourishes you from the inside out, improves your parenting, and gives you a purpose in life?

You are an excellent candidate to become a parenting coach if you answered yes to most or all of these questions.


What If I Want To Know More?


Jai's evidence-based parent coach training will allow you to become familiar with a wide variety of parenting topics, including attachment theory, the science of brain development, transformational parenting techniques to apply in situations of distress or conflict, ways to create deeper connections to children through fun and play, and many more important areas of learning.

The Jai Institute for Parenting offers a seven-month parent coach certification program that includes a client practicum and business training before graduation for when you are ready to launch your new parent coaching business.

When you apply to speak to our admissions team, you’ll take a big step toward answering your questions, looking at your unique goals and desires, and discovering how our program will work for your life.


Why Is Parenting Coaching So Important?


The current parenting system of punishment and raising kids through conflict and competition is broken. There is a severe disconnect between children and the adult world. All you have to do is look at a few facts to see that we are in the midst of a crisis.

Did you know?

  • 9.4% of children aged 2-17 (approximately 6.1 million) have received an ADHD diagnosis.
  • 7.4% of children aged 3-17 (approximately 4.5 million) have a diagnosed behavior problem. (Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 2018)
  • 7.1% of children aged 3-17 (approximately 4.4 million) have been diagnosed with anxiety.
  • 3.2% of children aged 3-17 (approximately 1.9 million) have been diagnosed with depression.
  • 11% of adolescents in the U.S. have a depressive disorder by age 18.
    (National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement NCS-A)

Visser SN, Danielson ML, Bitsko RH, Perou R, Blumberg SJ. Convergent validity of parent-reported attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosis: A cross-study comparison. JAMA Pediatrics. 2013; 167(7):674-675.

These are devastating statistics. They clearly show that all is not right with our kids. They aren’t being nourished emotionally — the old way of parenting is not serving them in the modern world. And it’s holding them back from realizing their true potential.

The best way to set up a healthy, emotionally nurturing future for our children and the world is to improve our relationships with them — to improve our parenting. And to help others improve their parenting.

As a parenting coach, you will leave a legacy.

You will be a part of changing how we approach raising children altogether.

You will live your life in service — working to create a more peaceful planet.

As someone who wants to connect with your own children and with other parents fully, you’ll also make a connection with a bigger vision, a purpose. You’ll raise confident, caring, and empowered children while helping other parents along the way.

Curious to learn more? Register for our FREE Information Session: How to Become A Peaceful Parenting Coach

You’ll discover: 

  • The foundations of Jai's Peaceful Parenting Methodology
  • Why COACHING is essential to behavior change in ADULTS
  • How our graduates are using our methodology in their homes, existing work or to launch a THRIVING Parent Coaching business



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