There’s a common misconception out there that really needs to be talked about. It’s the idea that if you’re meant to have your own business, everything should come naturally—that it should be easy, effortless, and smooth. But the truth is that’s not quite how it works. But that’s okay because plenty of amazing things are not quite as we imagine they’ll be, and they’re still incredible and worth it. That’s why building a business and parenting have a lot more in common than you might imagine.
Let me explain.
People often think parenting should just come naturally. Like, the minute you hold the baby in your arms, you’re supposed to magically know what to do. It’s the same with building a business. We think it should feel intuitive and easy because we’re passionate about the work, as if we’re born with the skills to make it happen. And if it doesn’t, we start telling ourselves stories—stories that we’re not cut out for this, or we’re not good enough, or maybe we just weren’t meant to have a business.
But here’s the thing: That belief is completely false.
Building a business is just like learning any new skill. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, challenges us, and brings up doubts. But just because it’s tough doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It’s how you approach the process that sets the stage for your experience and success.
What if instead of feeling discouraged by the difficulty, you embraced it? What if you said to yourself, "Yes, this is intimidating. I’m not going to magically know what to do. This will require new skills, and it might feel uncomfortable for a while, but I’m here for it!"? Because that’s exactly what it takes. Overcoming challenges in business and parenting is about recognizing that the discomfort is part of the process, not a sign that you’re doing something wrong.
And here’s the good news: you don’t have to do it alone. At Jai we teach you what you need to know to get started in
building your parent coaching business. We don’t just throw you into the deep end and hope you figure it out. We provide you with the tools, the steps, and the support. You’re not in the dark about what to do next.
The Jai Institute’s team has a bird's-eye view of what works and what doesn’t. We watch our graduates go out into the world and launch their businesses all the time. And the difference between the coaches who go out and get clients quickly and those who struggle isn’t a mystery. It’s actually pretty simple: they do the work. They show up. They give talks. They get out there. They go to mom’s groups. They share their message.
It’s not magic; it’s action.
And when they land that first client—even if it’s $250 for that first package of sessions—that is real progress. They are earning money as a parenting coach. And that first dollar? It’s as important, maybe even more so, than the millionth dollar you might make one day.
In fact, I believe that the first $50,000 a business makes is the hardest part. It’s where you’re
building your confidence as a parent coach, testing your skills, and proving to yourself that you can do this. And you know what? It
does get easier from there. Your confidence grows, your prices increase, and you start finding your rhythm. But it all starts with those first steps.
The difference between success and stagnation often comes down to this: following the recipe. It’s really that simple. If you don’t go out and give talks, if you don’t start conversations with people, if you don’t take those first steps to put yourself out there, of course, the clients won’t come. They can’t. They don’t even know you’re out there waiting to help them!
But if you follow our guidance—if you take the steps we outline, which are creative, loving, and gentle—you’ll see results. Our values of kindness, empathy, and connection filter through everything we teach, even how you approach getting clients. It’s effective because it’s built on real relationships, just like parenting.
So, here’s my advice: do it a little scared and a little uncomfortable. Know that you’re not alone in feeling this way. Hundreds of us have gone before you; we’re all still alive and thriving! In business growth and family success, feeling uncertain is part of the process. It’s a sign that you’re learning and growing.
In the end, building a business—just like raising children—is about embracing the journey, even when it’s tough. Because the rewards, the growth, and the impact you’ll make are more than worth it. So take that step. Do it scared, but do it anyway. You’ve got this.
If you’re ready to begin your journey towards having your own parent coaching business, Jai gives you everything you need to
make a parenting coaching business work for YOU! Join our community of more than 2000 parent coaches worldwide and start your parent coaching career today!
Meet Your Author, Katie Owen
Jai Business Coach & Marketing Mentor
As a former practicing therapist turned copywriter and marketing strategist, Katie is passionate about the intersection of marketing and mindset. Katie embodies the practices of taking the simple actions, consistently over time, that create epic results.
A master storyteller, Katie works with our coaches to refine their message, increase their visibility and get clients!
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.