I could go on and on with the very accepted and common views that people have about parenting. And I totally get it … parenting can be challenging, especially now, when we are with our kids more often than not, and taking on so much more than ever before.
But I have to tell you something.
All of these “ideas” about parenting being so awful and our kids being so difficult? DON’T HAVE TO BE TRUE!
The biggest challenge is that most of us were parented with a dominant, power-over, “do as I say not as I do,” model of parenting that creates conflict, rebellion, defiance and ultimately, harm the trust that our kids have in us.
A moment of honesty, if I may? If you were being treated by someone else the way you sometimes treat your kids would you be nice to that person? (Not making you wrong… this is the NORM!!!) but it doesn’t make it less true.
(And believe me, I’m no “perfect” parent. I had to eat a big ol’ apology sandwich for my 14 year-old daughter just this week!)
I’m writing this, from my Mama’s heart to yours… There is a different way.
Here at The Jai Institute for Parenting we call this the Empowered Parenting Model. We’ve trained THOUSANDS of coaches and families all over the world to create peace and cooperation in their homes using these EXACT tools.
And now I’m sharing them with you. For Free. I want you to LOVE being a parent. I want you to experience how great it feels when other people tell you how AMAZING your kids are.
Because the truth is when kids are met in this Empowered way, they cooperate. They listen. They are happy. They don’t need to misbehave or rebel or ignore you. This is NOT permissive parenting. You are your kids’ most important teacher, mentor and guide when it comes to values, morals and integrity.
In this free 5-part series you’ll discover the tools of EMPOWERED parenting in a short video series. Do you have it in your heart to give some time and attention to explore how things between you and your kids might be better?
My guess is that if you’re still reading… you absolutely do.
Claim your FREE Peaceful Parenting Course here.
There is nothing that has been done that can’t be repaired. We hear about miracles between parents and kids every single day.
I want you to LOVE being a parent. And I want your kids to LOVE that YOU are their parent.
Meet Your Author, Kiva Schuler
Kiva’s passion for parenting stemmed from her own childhood experiences of neglect and trauma. Like many of her generation, she had a front row seat to witnessing what she did not want for her own children. And in many ways, Jai is the fulfillment of a promise that she made to herself when she was 16 years old… that when she had children of her own, she would learn to parent them with compassion, consistency and communication.
Kiva is a serial entrepreneur, and has been the marketer behind many transformational brands. Passionate about bringing authenticity and integrity to marketing and sales, she’s a sought after mentor, speaker and coach.
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.