Why More

Healthcare Professionals

Are Becoming Parenting Coaches

Why More Healthcare Professionals Are Becoming Parenting Coaches

The increasing importance of parental involvement in healthcare has set the stage for a new wave of hybrid professionals...

Healthcare Professionals as Parenting Coaches

Pediatricians, family therapists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists and psychologists who work with children understand, probably better than anyone, that what happens outside of their patients' appointments has a tremendous impact on outcomes.

There is growing awareness in the community of healthcare professionals that PARENTS need support, information and coaching.

Because of licensing limitations and ethical considerations, many traditional therapists are adding PARENTING COACH to their professional skills and designations.

In this series, highlighting the stories of several therapists-turned-parenting-coaches, you'll discover their motivations, insights, transformations, and the profound impact they've experienced in both their professional careers and personal lives. And not forgetting the children and families they've touched along the way! 

If you've ever wondered about the potential of therapists to bring about a more empathetic, supportive, and understanding world for children and families, dive in — you might just discover a new perspective on how health professionals can
foster the growth and development of more children by giving their parents the skills of Empowered Parenting.

Curious About Becoming a Parenting Coach?

Ready to Take the First Step? Apply Now!

Why are so many Pediatricians, Doctors, and Occupational Therapists Enrolling at The Jai Institute?

Connecting Emotional and Physical Health

Many healthcare professionals recognize the mind/body connection that impacts children's physical health, and see the opportunity to add Parent Coaching to their skillset or bring it into their practice.

Our curriculum provides a foundation of understanding the underlying emotional and relational needs that drive children's behavior. 

Career Growth and Flexibility

While many professionals choose Jai to add to their existing skillset to apply to their current career...

Others are looking for a new career path as a self-employed Parenting Coach to have more freedom and flexibility over their time and earnings, or are looking to add a side-gig as a Parent Coach to create additional income. 

Parental Support and Involvement

Above all, healthcare professionals see how vital parents' roles are to children's outcomes.

By having the tools to support parents to more effectively meet the emotional and relational needs of their children, we are providing additional support to the kids we care so deeply about when they most need it... when they are at home.

Be INSPIRED by Healthcare-Professionals-Turned-Parenting-Coaches!

"Growing up as a child of immigrants, Dr. LaCroix witnessed her parents’ limited tools and the use of punitive treatment in raising her. This upbringing shaped her desire for a different experience with her daughter, Isa. Intrigued by the idea of parent coaching, she delved deeper into the field, seeking ways to merge her medical knowledge with her desire for a more connected and nurturing parenting style."

Read Priscilla's Story >>

"As a pediatrician, I entered the office each day with a genuine desire to help my patients and their families. However, the limitations of short, rushed visits left me feeling unsatisfied and prevented me from delivering the level of care I knew my patients deserved. That's when I discovered The Jai Institute for Parenting and embarked on a transformative journey that not only revolutionized my practice but also deeply impacted my own parenting"

Read Elham's Story >>

"Tricia observed parents yearning for more guidance and struggling to bridge the gap between therapy and home. She recognized the need for parents to understand how to model and reinforce these skills outside of therapy. This realization fueled her determination to become a parenting coach and offer parents the comprehensive support they craved."

Read Tricia's Story >>

Parenting is one of the most important jobs in the world, and it’s important for pediatricians to have the skills to help parents succeed. By incorporating parent coaching techniques into my practice, I can provide comprehensive support that extends beyond the immediate medical needs of my young patients.”

—Dr. Priscilla LaCroix

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