When our children are having a hard moment, it is natural for our nervous systems to respond in fight-or-flight mode and our minds to tell us stories about how we need to fix, solve, and control the situation—all in an effort to make the moment better for our kids. It hurts to see our kids hurting.
What if I told you that every challenge was an opportunity to grow?
For you, for them, for everyone involved…
How would your nervous system respond then if you truly believed this idea that every challenge was a growth opportunity?
You would probably feel more safe in your body and in the moment to show up with a deep presence and calm and confident leadership. You might even feel excitement by the opportunity to be there with your kids in love and security.
So, how do we cultivate that mindset shift and skill?
Through practicing over time, with patience and understanding, we are working towards parenting with more intentionality, mindfulness, and security.
Holding Two Truths at Once
This week’s tool is a mantra to try on in hard moments. Next time you find yourself in a hard situation with your kids, remember these words:
“This is hard, AND this challenge is a gift.”
You may not believe it at first. You might feel resistance rising. Place a hand on your heart and see if you can breathe into the words until they melt your hardness.
Breathe and know that even in the toughest moments with your kids, you are safe, and you can handle this. You don’t have to respond to the moment until you are ready.
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.