Whether you’re planning to make Parent Coaching the side hustle of your dreams, allowing you to pay for exciting vacations for your family, or you’re longing to leave your current career and replace a full-time income with a parenting coach salary, it’s all possible.
And regardless of your current financial situation, the initial investment doesn’t have to come from an obvious source.
Because the good news is you aren’t limited to, “Do I currently have this much cash sitting in a savings account?” If that were the requirement, most people would never get an education or make a career move like becoming a parent coaching professional.
We have some amazing options below that you may not have considered yet, where you can find or create the money you need to invest in your parent coaching education.
Many of our current students and graduates have used the specific strategies outlined below to make this incredible opportunity possible for themselves! (Our very own Community Manager, Shaella, who you may be in contact with, used options 6 and 7 when she decided to pursue her certification while working full-time as a teacher!)
Remember: You get to be as creative and resourceful as you want when coming up with the amount you need to fund your tuition.
The way you’re thinking about this next move is critical.
Because this is an investment, this means that it not only has the potential to pay for itself at the very minimum, but when you put your certification to use, the sky's the limit on the returns you’ll see. (And that’s just financially speaking. Don’t get me started on the sense of fulfillment and the freedom to choose your own schedule…)
So, if you’re interested in pursuing this opportunity, here are seven avenues to find the funds you need:
Many of these are taken directly from stories we have been told by Jai students and graduates who, when faced with the challenge to immediately invest in becoming a certified parenting coach, became incredibly creative and resourceful about how they came up with the money they needed.
1. Friends and Family (I know, but hear me out)
Most of us are programmed not to ask for things, especially as adults. But the truth is, sometimes we need to. The best case scenario is that your family and friends are delighted you asked them to support you in your next big life move and are able to help. The worst case scenario is they can’t or won’t, and you’ll have to graciously receive no as the answer. Either way, you won’t know if you don’t ask, and what you’re asking for is for access to a life-changing opportunity.
Next step: Make a list of people in your life who may be delighted to help you, either through a gift or a loan. Then, decide whether you want to sit down with them face to face, send them a heartfelt message, or contact them in some other way.
2. GoFundMe/Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding is an amazing opportunity to create some or all of your tuition. You may not have friends or family who can afford to loan or give you all the money you need to become a certified parenting coach, but you probably have many who would be delighted to contribute! This option allows people to contribute as much or as little as they’re able to. Even if you don’t generate all of your investment, you’ll still be that much closer to your goal!
IFundWomen has a weekly webinar and a free e-course on how to crowdfund! Their IFundWomen method boasts a 27x higher success rate than the crowdfunding industry average.
Next step:
With your friends and family in mind, write a short description about why you want to pursue becoming a certified parenting coach. What do you want them to know so they feel inspired to help?
3. Church groups
There are many church groups that have funds available to help members of their congregation. If you are a member of a religious community, why not ask if there is anything like that available for you to take part in? Even if there are no specific funds earmarked for these types of requests, they may be willing to help you fundraise! One of our coaches was even hired in a paid position as a parenting coach at her church after she graduated!
Next step:
Make an appointment to speak with a member of your church’s leadership team to see what’s available. Bring the syllabus with you to show them what the program is all about. You can even offer to work with a set number of members of the congregation for free when you’re done to repay their generosity.
4. Sell something
Many of us have things in our homes and lives that we just don’t use, need, or want. And even if we’ve been holding onto them for a long time, sometimes we just need something we want more to come along so we can find a way to part with them! Look around and see what might find a new home through Etsy, eBay, a garage sale, Facebook Marketplace, or a consignment store. You’d be surprised what may be right under your nose that someone else would love to pay you for!
Next step: Take a walk through your house and garage and start imagining what you can part with. Think everything from sports equipment to unworn jewelry or perhaps an antique from a long-lost relative who would be delighted to know their legacy lives on through your education!
5. Create a partnership
Perhaps your local Montessori school or daycare center is looking for someone to train their staff or provide support to their parents; that’s where a mutually beneficial partnership opportunity might exist. You can arrange with them to pay your tuition in exchange for your services post-graduation. You could even split the cost between two or three places if there were enough interest.
Next step: Make a list of all the organizations in your area that might be interested and start making phone calls! If you happen to have any personal connections, that's even better. Don’t be afraid to ask friends to make introductions to people they know as well.
6. Small business programs
Many cities, states, or provinces have small business start-up programs that offer seed money or grants and free services to people who are starting a business. Many of these programs are specifically aimed at supporting women and marginalized communities. Mom-Preneurs in the USA can get up to $500 from Founders First annually. Giving Joy Grants offers one-time micro-grants (maximum $500 USD) for women ages 18+ from anywhere in the world who want to start a business. It’s easy to apply and a great place to start!
Next step: Research what’s available in your area using a simple Google search. If you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for, contact your local Chamber of Commerce.
7. Zero-interest credit cards
Many credit card companies provide anywhere from 12 to 21 months of interest-free time to use the card. This allows you to make a payment schedule that suits your life and gives you time post-graduation to earn the money from parent coaching to repay it! Here is one website that outlines some offers. Or simply Google interest-free credit cards in your country and do some research to find one that's right for you.
Next step: If this is the right choice for you, research cards and calculate when you need to pay it off in order to meet your financial plans. Then, apply for the one that’s the best fit.
There is a huge difference between spending money and investing money. Money spent is gone, even when it is spent on important things. Money invested is not. Money invested holds the possibility and probability of a return on your investment.
Tuition is an investment in your life and future. Getting
certified as a professional parenting coach is the first step in starting a business that can provide ongoing financial resources for you and your family. Depending on what you charge, getting just a few clients will more than return your initial investment!
So don’t think about what you are paying so much as what you're investing in.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what you want to do with the opportunity before you. All kinds of possibilities exist. It’s up to you to choose which ones are right for you.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Meet Your Author, Katie Owen
Jai Business Coach & Marketing Mentor
As a former practicing therapist turned copywriter and marketing strategist, Katie is passionate about the intersection of marketing and mindset. Katie embodies the practices of taking the simple actions, consistently over time, that create epic results.
A master storyteller, Katie works with our coaches to refine their message, increase their visibility and get clients!
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.