What does presence mean to you? What does it look and feel like for you to be present?
Being present is all about fully attending to the current moment.
While our minds often race with thoughts and our culture pushes us to achieve constantly, presence invites us to slow down and tune in—to our surroundings and our inner experience.
When we're truly present, we see the world more clearly, using all our senses rather than getting caught up in mental chatter.
So, how much attention can you place on the moment you are in right now?
A Presence Practice: Orienting
Being present is a skill we can develop by understanding our bodies, nervous systems, and sense of safety.
At Jai, we help parents and coaches build this awareness to become more present in their daily lives.
Let me share a simple practice of presence that takes just a few minutes each day – it's a great way to cultivate more mindfulness over time.
The practice is called Orienting.
And that’s it. It’s a simple and fast practice. The more we practice, the more we cultivate our ability to be present.
And being present is the best gift we can give ourselves, our kids, and each other.
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.