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5 Essential Parent Coaching Resources

Allyn Miller • January 17, 2024
5 Essential Parent Coaching Resources

Life unfolds in waves, and each wave has a predictable cycle. 

In the beginning you explore and learn: you discover through curiosity, observation, and reflection. You take risks by going into uncharted waters. The next phase is practicing your new understanding: you perform new skills and share new concepts as they solidify through trial and error. Finally, you achieve a level of mastery: you refine your talent and bring it independently into the world with confidence and humility. 

Whether you’re a toddler learning to walk, or a parenting coach starting a business, you will go through these cycles at every stage of your life.

As a certified parenting coach bringing your service into your community,
you are embarking on a new phase of your journey. You’ll find more ease and success when you embrace a collection of resources to support you every step of the way.

Resource #1: Information

Even though you’ve gained so much knowledge through your certification program, the reality is that new research is always emerging, and the families you serve may have specific questions you encounter for the first time. This doesn’t make you underqualified; this is an invitation to be a lifelong learner. 

Your ongoing curiosity will only enhance your coaching skills and allow you to be of even greater service to your clients. Your commitment to learning what you need, at the right time, for the right purpose, is exactly what allows you to continue evolving at your perfect pace. 

As you build your coaching practice and refine your niche, you’ll be naturally drawn to information that will best support you. It could be in a particular stage of child development; while you received an overview of typical traits you can now choose to gather more details of any stage or aspect of child development.

Perhaps during your certification you revealed a personal blind spot in one of the topics. You’re not the only parent with the same blind spot! The more you continue exploring the nuances and subtleties of any topic, the more capable you become of guiding your clients along their own journey. 

Whether you zone in on emotional intelligence, nervous system science, nonviolent communication, or any other crucial topic, you get to decide how deep you want to go so you can comfortably address your clients’ concerns and offer the exact piece of information that will unlock their new understanding.

Another benefit to gathering more information is that you will naturally distinguish yourself from other parenting coaches. This is a really good thing! Not every parent is looking for support in managing anxiety in their child. Some parents are wanting help for their child with intense sensory needs. Other parents long for improving their communication with their partner to build unity. Still others are desperate to understand their own rage that impacts everyone in the family. 

There is no limit to what families need, which means there is no limit to what you can learn to serve them.

Resource #2: Business Development

If you completed your certification and have any intention to receive money in exchange for your coaching service, you are running a business. Congratulations! Whether you plan to serve one client a year or one hundred clients a quarter, you will need specific resources to manage your business. 

The scale, location, and structure of your business will determine exactly what resources and how many of them you will need to acquire. At the very least you need a method to receive money. It can be as simple as an open palm to receive cash, or as sophisticated as any of the digital banking options available.

Beyond that you get to decide what business resources you will need. It could range from simple business registration and bookkeeping to hiring a team or outsourcing operational or marketing tasks. 

In the entrepreneurial world of coaching you can be as nimble as a mouse or as mighty as a whale. There is no “perfect” way to own, manage, or grow your business. Trusting that you can find the ideal resource for your current stage and future intention is all that you need. 

Resource #3. Personal Development

You might be thinking: “I just underwent the most massive personal development of my entire life! What else is there?” It’s true: transforming your parenting from the inside out and learning the skills to guide others is indeed one big chunk of personal development. And it was in one area of your life: family relationships. So, what’s next? Plenty!

Perhaps during your certification you realized you had a big growth curve in using your voice. You’ve already made significant progress in using your voice in your family, and you may choose to continue growing this area. You could develop using your voice in public speaking, live networking, or writing emails. Or you may feel so confident in your voice now that you look to an entirely different area to grow.

Maybe you’ve known your whole life that organization and time management are where you flounder. You don’t have to let your weakness be an obstacle. You can gather specific tools and learn particular strategies that either support you in getting more organized and better manage time, or eliminate those needs altogether! You can even discover options that allow you to go with the flow, be who you are, and not change any of your quirks or habits. 

The journey of personal development is absolutely unique to you. You get to reflect on what you want to accomplish, and you get to choose how that happens. You don’t have to follow any rules, or latch on to any trends.
As a parenting coach emerging into your role as a business owner, you get to have full authority over how your path unfolds. 

Resource #4: Community

Hopefully after months of witnessing others in their parenting transformation, and feeling so seen and heard by your trainer and group members, you appreciate the value of community. Entering the space of entrepreneurship does not mean doing it alone. None of us are brave enough, strong enough, or tenacious enough to create our success in a vacuum. Humans just aren’t wired that way (as you already learned through your certification!).

Relying on community as a resource for being a parenting coach is more than essential: it’s critical. We often think of relying on our community to support us through tough times, which is absolutely true. And there’s more. When we join in community to celebrate, to laugh, and to create we are elevating ourselves and those around us to new heights. 

There is a synergy that happens within communities. The group together is greater and more powerful (and more successful) than all of the individuals within it.

Call it a mastermind, call it a vortex, call it a circle, call it any name you want. Coming together in community is so vital to your individual growth that you won’t ever want to be without it. As a graduate of the
Jai Parent Coach Certification Program you never have to worry about that. You have instant access to the entire graduate community.

You also have opportunities to continue connecting with your training cohort, to create your own micro networks of coaching colleagues and friends, or to join any of the ongoing groups to enhance your coaching skills and business growth. 

Belonging to a nurturing community fills you with motivation, connection, and inspiration. That is why it flows through all aspects and all stages of your coaching experience with the Jai Institute for Parenting.

Resource #5: Mindset

It turns out that your most essential resource is you. Just like in your parenting, you can only control yourself. You can’t control algorithms on social media, economic trends, or anyone’s reaction to what you say and do. You can only control you.

Leaning into your mindset as a resource will take you farther than any of the other resources mentioned. When you dedicate yourself to developing your intuition, releasing limiting beliefs, and committing to your own well being, you will soar. 

Enhancing your mindset does require some learning, exploring, and practicing. There is an abundance of guides, mentors, and experts in the field of mindset work. You can poke around on your own, ask trusted friends for recommendations, and do your own research. 

The goal is to create an expansive view of what is possible beyond your current reality. When you choose to cultivate a mindset based on trust, love, and creativity you will experience the limitless nature of your full potential. 

Embracing your mindset as a resource means
you make yourself a priority. You fill your own cup before tending to others. You seek support and you celebrate success. You become the creator of your whole world.

That is a lot of power, and you deserve it. The world, your clients, your family, they all need you at your best to make your impact.

Start making your impact today by enrolling in the
Jai Parent Coach Certification Program. 

Meet Your Author, Allyn Miller

Allyn Miller is a Master Certified Parent Coach and owner of Child Connection. Her mission is to help exhausted moms thrive in every tantrum or meltdown, whether it’s their child’s or their own. 

She is surprisingly funny (and emotional) despite her background as an accountant. Her sense of humor kept her going through years of classroom teaching. These days her clients rave about her listening skills and the unique way she breaks down big concepts into doable actions. 

When not celebrating “aha” moments with her clients, you can find this chocoholic mama splashing in the ocean waves near her home in Weston, Florida… or snuggling on the couch with her husband and two kids watching the latest Pixar movie.


IG: @child_connection



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