12 Myths of Parenting
Which May Cause Emotional Harm
This free guide shares the truth about common parenting practices. We hope to give you an alternative
(and far more healthy)
perspective on raising secure, confident and empowered kids...
(without compromising your relationship).
Just because it’s the way it’s always been done, doesn’t mean it’s how it should be done.
Does the way “they” say you should parent feel wrong?
All of the “tried and true” practices of parenting make you (and your kids) feel awful?
Do you want your parenting experience to be better than “fine”?
Yelling, punishing, threatening...
It all feels awful.
To you and your kids. It may work in the short-term (if working means your kids are less annoying and follow rules), but it comes with some hefty price tags:
What if the way that parenting has always been done...
Isn’t the way it has to be done?
What if there was a parenting methodology that gave you the ability to raise your kids well without compromising your relationship with them in the process?
What if there was
a way to parent that honored you and your kids, and created healthy attachments, peace and connection in your home?
Here at the Jai Institute, we train world-class parenting coaches.
Why? Because becoming a parenting coach is the most powerful investment you can make in yourself for your kids.
This guide busts the biggest parenting myths that we hear as coaches. We hope you discover some powerful insights, reframes and new possibilities in these pages.
We're changing the world by changing how parents… parent.
The 12 Myths of Parenting
Which May Cause Emotional Harm
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.